Sunday, December 9, 2007

Quick Update

4 down, 3 to go!! I just finished up my 4th rotation. I was at the VA hospital here in KC working in the anticoagulation clinic. It was pretty boring but I learned a lot so that's what matters! It was fun being in the same hospital as Jacob. We drove to work together and ate lunch together in his office. It was fun to see him at work doing what he does. When we would be walking around the hospital in our white coats, we'd look at each other and think "are we old enough to be doing this." The answer: yup, we're grown ups! I just still see us as two kids goofing off...not two adults with very adult responsible jobs. Since he is a resident, he had certain lectures that he had to give to the students (me) so it was kind of weird being the student learning from him!! He was not allowed, however, to come to my presentations. I think that I would have just laughed the whole way through them if I had to look at him in the audience! Anyway, I am super excited to only have 3 rotations left!

1 comment:

jess said...

Congratulations, that is so exciting!! You're almost there!

Sometimes I too feel like I'm still too young to be doing this job. Feel like somebody got confused about who I am, I'm just a college student still, right? :)

Growing up can be weird at times.