Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Hubby


What is his name?

Jacob Kinley Kettle

How long have you been together?

Our 2nd year anniversary is coming up on May 20th.

How long did you date?

We met in December 2001 in Colorado on a K-life ski trip. Kind of a cool story...On the ski trip, there were some spots left that needed to be filled, so at the last minute, his mom somehow had heard about this and got Jacob and some of his friends to take those seats and go on the trip. I originally was going to go on the trip but then decided that I didn't have enough money. About 3 days before the trip, K-life called me and said that someone anonomously payed for me to go because of some requests from kids. So I got to go!! Jacob and I met on the shuttle to go to the mountain from the lodge. He was talking to his friends about pharmacy school in KC and I was eaves dropping because one, I thought he was SOOOO cute and two, I had just applied for pharmacy school. I was so thrilled to meet someone not only from KC but that was also in pharmacy school because I was scared to death to move away from home to a BIG city. The bad part of all this is that my small group girls that were with me on the shuttle didn't know that I was going to be moving yet...Emily broke down in tears right there on the shuttle! I felt terrible:( So after that, we dated for 3.5 years and then were engaged for one year.

How old his he?

25, turns 26 in September

Who eats more?

Oh my gosh, are you kidding me??? He can eat so much food!! We never have leftovers from restaurants. After he finishes his plate, he moves on over to mine! I have to keep him in check sometimes!!

Who said I love you first?

He did:) I remember it like it was yesterday. Oh my gosh, it was puppy love! I literally thought I had died and gone to Heaven.

Who is taller?

He is, but when I wear heels, it's close. That's why for our wedding day, I wore slippers. When he's got shoes on and I'm barefoot or in's perfect!

Who does the laundry?

We each do our own. We are both VERY picky about how our laundry is cleaned and dried and folded, etc... When we first got married, I did all the laundry but not anymore.

Who pays the bills?

Me. He doesn't even know how to deposit a check or balance the checkbook! He deals with all the investment stuff though...IRA's, mutual funds, stocks...what?? I don't understand any of that stuff.

Who sleeps in the right side?

Me. We start out on our backs and we usually talk for 10-15 minutes before one of us falls asleep. Then we eventually turn our backs toward each other. He is a whaller-er...he just moves and convulses all over the place! It is pointless to make the bed because by the time he wakes up the sheets and covers are a mess. Me, I can sleep in a bed, get up and you won't even be able to tell someone was in it. This habit used to make me mad but now, it's just something he does and I love it.

Who mows the lawn?

He does! I do the flowers and pretty stuff and he makes the yard green and gets rid of the weeds. We both tackle raking the leaves in the fall though.

Who cooks dinner?

He does and I LOVE it!! I would probably starve if he didn't cook for me (or spend a lot of $$ eating out). He truly enjoys it too. I clean up the kitchen after each meal...I'm psycho about cleaning the dishes and how to put them it works out well.

Who drives?

He does. I am totally a back seat driver though. But I have learned to keep my mouth shut because it has led to many arguments! He likes to drive because it makes him feel like a man taking his girl out! Plus, he doesn't fit in my car very well, so if we are together, we have to take his car and I don't like driving his big SUV.

Who is more stubborn?

Oh boy! I think we are about even. We both like to think we are right and the other is wrong. It's very difficult for both of us to apologize.

Who kissed who first?

He did!!! It was on his couch at his house after watching a movie. It was fantastic! There were many more that followed:)

Who asked who out first?

He did, again! After we got off the bus from the ski trip back in MO, he asked me for my number. Three days later, he called and asked me out to hot chocolate and a movie!

Who proposed?

He did:) I was caught so off guard! It was so memorable and it involved one of the things that is closest to both of us...Toula.

Who has more friends?

Wow, I have to say he does. He is still CLOSE friends with all his high school friends. It is pretty amazing how so many of these guys have stayed so close for so many years after each going they're own separate ways.

Who is more sensitive?

Definitely me! I let anything affect me! I cry, I laugh, I yell...any emotion can come out of me in a matter of an hour. I sometimes have to pry emotions out of him!

Who has more siblings?

Me, one brother. Him--only child.

Who wears the pants? to answer this?!? We are a perfect team. He has learned to become more of a leader and be more decisive in our relationship and I have learned to become more submissive. We work through everything together, we talk about everything (sometimes to exhaustion!) and we are learning how to make things work for our little family.

I love him with all of my heart:)


jess said...

I love it! What a fun idea that all of us are doing's great to hear about the "other half" of my girlfriends :)

You guys are adorable. A really great team.

And you look freakin' beautiful in your wedding dress!! I am so sad I didn't get to see you in real life that look so happy.

April said...

That wedding picture is breathtaking! I love reading about everyone's hubbies. Wouldn't it be fun for all the blogstalkers and our hubbies to get together sometime.
Maybe someday!!
Have a great weekend!

Liz said...

Yeah! Lets have a big party! I love this 'hubby' blog. Its so fun to hear about eachother. I miss you Liz! Lets hang out sometime soon :)

April said...

Ooohhh! I love the new blog color! Looks great!!
Hey....I meant to tell you I work with a girl that was in your Theta pledge class, Joannie. Ring a bell?
Have a great day :)