Sunday, March 9, 2008


This past Wednesday, my mom and my friend, Pam came up for the Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood concert here at the Sprint Center in KC. I have always loved Keith Urban's music so I jumped on the chance to get tickets when they became available. With all the craziness of getting off work, rushing home to meet them, rushing to get something to eat before the concert...I forgot my camera!!!! I am so upset!! I could have gotten some really great pictures....what a bummer! Besides this, it was an AMAZING concert! He is a fantastic performer/entertainer! His stage had a walkway that came off the front of it out into the crowd and then at one point he walked up into the crowd while playing his electric guitar with people shoulder to shoulder with him. Then he pulled out a black marker, signed his guitar and gave it to some girl next to him! It was so awesome! I wish we could go back and redo the whole concert so I could have my camera. I can't believe I forgot it!!!

1 comment:

jess said...

How FUN!!! I love both of them, their music is just awesome. I'm totally jealous :)