Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dr. Elizabeth Kettle, Pharm.D.!!!!!!

It's official...I'm finally a Pharm.D. The weekend was packed with banquets, family, graduation and partying. I had an absolute blast and I'm bittersweet about being done but I'm ready to start the next chapter in my life. I am absolutely exhausted and don't have all the fun pictures yet so I will post the weekends happenings later this week. Whew...big sigh of relief...I can't believe it's over!


erika d. said...

So proud of you, Liz!! Congratulations!!

April said...

Ooooh! You are so official!!! Congratulations to you! That is a HUGE accomplishment! Get ready for lots of med questions from all your family and friends!!!
Way to go!!

jess said...

Super proud of you girlie!! Congrats Dr Kettle!!! :)

Liz said...

Yea! Great job finishing strong. You make us blog stalkers proud :)