Tuesday, June 17, 2008

2nd Anniversary

Ok, so I am really behind in the blogging world and these pictures are from a month ago, but it's something right?

On May 20, 2008, Jacob and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversay!!! To celebrate, I planned a surprise extended weekend trip to St. Louis (very similar to Liz and Jon's anniversary trip!). It was a great weekend! We got to do some fun things, eat some awesome food and spend some much needed time together! Here's a run down of the weekend's happenings...

We got into St. Louis on late Friday morning and we headed straight for the zoo. We weren't too sure at first because of all the kids running around but it ended up to a great afternoon! Jacob is so impressed and infatuated with big animals, especially the hippos! My fave was the giraffes.

After we left the zoo, we checked into our hotel, the Hilton at the Ballpark. Our room overlooked Busch stadium...it was awesome! You literally could have watched the games from our room. We grabbed a wonderful late lunch near our hotel and walked around downtown a bit.

More pictures to come of Saturday and Sunday! My computer is being really slow uploading these pictures and I'm getting sleepy so I think it's bedtime for me!

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