Thursday, September 25, 2008

Golf Galore

A few weekends in August and September were spent watching my dad play in golf tournaments in Sedalia. It's only about an hour away from KC so it's been fun just going over for the day and bopping around the golf course in a golf cart and spending time with my parents. Here are just a few pictures from those weekends. I am really enjoying have my time off be actual time off to do things I want to do instead of spending my time off studying! Dad's team came in 2nd in the first tournament but him and his partner, BJ, won 1st place at the second...YAY!!!Dad and BJ. They have been best friends for YEARS and have played in countless tournaments together.
BJ and his daughter, Bailey

Mom and Dad:)
I think the plaid shorts are cute!
Dad and BJ's mom, Bobbie Jo
BJ's family--Bailey, Stacey and Bobbie Jo

My dad and Bailey. This picture makes me think about when I was that age and Dad trying to teach me how to play golf. I spent SO many hours on golf ranges and courses...wonderful memories! Me and my dad.

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