Friday, October 10, 2008

Erika's Wedding---a couple of weeks late!

So I am sure that each of you has read about this weekend in Jess and Liz's blogs but here are some pictures that I took from that fun weekend!! Sorry for the incredible delay in posting!! No captions...just pictures! It was a fabulous weekend! I LOVED catching up with my girls! Enjoy:)


jess said...

Love all the pics, thanks for sharing!! So much fun to get pedis and hang out together!

Liz said...

Oh pedicures...I am still spoting mine. Hope it doesnt chip too quickly! It is really too bad when I make obnoxious faces in pics, they always bite me in the butt later.

erika d. said...

Thanks so much for posting about the wedding! Love the new pics! It was such a treat to have you three there. Where is reunion 2009 going to be??!