Saturday, May 2, 2009


Hello all!!! I know, I know, I've been absent from the blogging world for several months!! We've just been going through a lot of stuff and have had to a lot of thinking and I think that I just went into a slumber mode where I really had to focus on me and my family and get everything sorted out and make sure we were making the right decisions! Sorry! Well, A LOT has happened in the past few months! Where to begin?? Well, after several interviews and MUCH deliberation, we have decided to stay in KC! Florida is just too far away, Columbia is a little too close and we didn't really want to get used to a whole new big city like St. Louis (even though the job for Jacob at Barnes Jewish hospital was fabulous). So, Jacob took an awesome position at the KC VA hospital as their oncology/hematology pharmacy specialist. He won't have to work any weekends and he will have a set schedule from 7:30 to 4 everyday! He finishes up his residency this coming June and he starts at the VA shortly after that! He is really ready to be done being a resident! In March, I was promoted to a manager's position of one of the pharmacies in my company. I am slowly easing into it. There is a lot more business stuff/reports/money issues I've had to learn how to do and I am slowly learning how to manage people! It's tough being the boss and it definitely has it negatives, but I have found myself really liking it:) And just a few days ago, we put our current house up for sale and and signed the papers on a new one!!! We are so excited!! We just started looking around about a month and a half ago and this was one of the first houses that we saw! I absolutely fell in love with it. It is at the end of cul-de-sac in a cozy neighborhood with lots of families and children. The area has nature trails, 400 acres of conservation areas, walking/running trails through the neighborhood, lakes etc... We looked at close to 30 houses and our hearts kept coming back to this house! We close the middle of June and I can hardly wait! We are just busting at the seams in our house now and I can't wait to spread out and buy new furniture!!!! I have loved our current house but as my mother in law says, "it's time to move on!"
Well, that's all for now! I hope this lets you all know that I'm still alive and well! I will really try to be more consistent! I will for sure post pictures of the house as we move in!!


judi said...

love the looks of the new house, and can't wait to help in anyway I/we can!!!! you all have worked so hard, and hope you have a chance to enjoy your new home. I know the little house will always have special memories though...remmber, love grows in little houses, and grows bigger in bigger housesxoxoxoxolove you both judi

jess said...

LOVE your cute new house!! I can't wait to see lots more pictures of it. It's adorable, and you'll have so much fun moving in and settling in (and hey, buying new furniture never hurt anyone:)).

Good to see you back in blogland :) Loves!

Liz said...

That home is adorable! Love it! Glad you are alive :) and well. Sounds like Jacob got a great job, and I am sure you are both ready to move on past the college years of your life! So excited for you and Jacob!! Congrats on your promotion too :)

Erika Jackson said...

Love the new house, Liz. I want to come visit for sure. Congrats on the promotion and to Jacob for the sweet new job. So good to see you back with the've inspired me :)

Liz said...

Would love to see pics of the new house! Its been 9 months since you posted...would love to hear about your life!