Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Animal Cruelty in China

Ok, so I normally don't do this kind of thing but when it comes to the inhumane treatment of animals...I get really mad!! I have no tolerance for mistreating an animal in ANY way. One of my friends brought this issue to my attention...apparently, dog and cat fur is being used to make fur products for fashion in China and the way that they are treating and killing these animals to skin them is UNBELIEVABLE!!! My heart aches when I look into the eyes of these animals...pure desperation. All I can think about is that these domesticated animals desperately want to be someone's pet and to have someone to love. It breaks my heart! Below is a video clip of what is going on in forewarned that the video is very graphic. I have been disturbed since I watched it but I couldn't not watch it...that would be ignorant and then it would be easy to say, "well, I don't know anything about it." When I know, it is against everything in my being to sit back and do nothing. If compelled to do something about this absurdity...inform yourself and email the Chinese ambassador to get legislation put in place to stop this barbaric practice!
For more information:


April said...

That makes me so sad. I need to watch the video...just trying to brace myself for it. I cannot stand it when ANY animal is mistreated. When I see a person with a dog that just stays chained up outside ALL the time, I wonder to myself, "why even have a dog?" Good post, Liz. Will get people thinking ;)

jess said...

That's awful!! I agree with April, I hate when people don't think about what they're investing in ahead of time, and then just keep a dog chained up outside. Horrible.