Sunday, August 3, 2008

2nd Annual Girls Trip

A few weeks ago, the girls from my mom's side of the family went on our annual girls trip to Branson, MO. This year, we stayed close to home since my grandmother, who lives in Springfield, needs someone close in case she needs help. We had a condo for a week but I was only able to be there for the weekend.

We kicked off the trip with shopping at the local Branson outlet mall. They have a Coach outlet...let's just say I spent a good chunk of my graduation money! And I got my mom hooked too...she bought two!! For lunch we went to a 50's car hop restaurant where the waiters sing to the customers. It was a blast! And they had awesome chocolate shakes and root beer floats.

My cousin, Katie and one of the singing waiters! Don't ask me why this picture is so red?

An American Idol siting--Jason Yeager!! A top 24 contestant from this year's show is from Branson and works at the restaurant. I'll admit, I was a little star struck! I mean, he's friends with David Cook!!!

That night, we went to The Landing, a great outdoor shopping and dining area. We had dinner and drinks at an Irish pub. But then it started pouring down! So we had to go back to the condo.

My aunt, Janet, my mom and my aunt, Doris.

Me and my cousins, Hannah and Katie.

Me and my beautiful mom.

Game time!! I can't remember the name of the game but it was fun--with drinks and food, of course!!

The next day, we went go-kart riding and to the wax museum. I don't think the Branson wax museum is the best and most realistic in the world but it was fun regardless.

Here's Johnny!!!!!

Ooh, Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrows!!

This was probably the worst of the wax figures...this looks nothing like Ricky Bobby!

For dinner, we went to the DIXIE STAMPEDE!!!! I have wanted to go my entire life! It was awesome and I highly recommend it to anyone! Unfortunately, there was no Dolly Parton appearance...darn!! They didn't allow pictures inside the show so I just have those from outside before the show.

The next day, I had to head back to KC. It was a short trip but we had fun! We are already planning next year's trip. We are thinking Chicago:)

1 comment:

Liz said...

Oh my gosh! I went to the Coach outlet in Destin too. I bought my first one :) It was deffinately fun. I got my momma one too, so I think that she is hooked as well. YEA! I am usually not a bag buyer, just shoes, but I might be becoming one now. I will have to post a pic of my new sassy bag. I love it by the way. Oh, and Dixie Stampeed is so fun too. I saw it on time off while working at Kamp a few years ago. Looks like you all had a great time!! Cant wait to see you in about 1 1/2 months :)