Monday, August 11, 2008

I Gave In!

We bought a Wii!! Jacob has been wanting one for a while now but I just couldn't seem to justify the money...I'm just not a video game girl! I'll be honest though, I've heard that it is super fun from many people. So a few weeks ago, we decided to splurge a bit when I started my new job! I haven't actually been able to play much yet but the one time I did, my arm was sore the next day!! We took it home to my parent's house in Columbia a few weekends ago and although it takes some getting used to, but I think there will be some definite Wii tournaments in the future!

My mom getting into bowling!

Jacob and my mom duking it out!

My cute parents:)

1 comment:

jess said...

That is so fun!! Be careful though b/c you definitely can pull muscles doing that thing :) We played it when I was home in July and I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time!!