Saturday, September 29, 2007

Anybody want a kitty??

So, most of you all know that I am a sucker for stray animals. I've probably taken in dozens of stray dogs and cats and have either found their homes or found new homes for them. There's just something in my heart that won't let me turn my back. Well, I've been feeding this stray cat for about 2 months now and just within the past few weeks, it has really started to become comfortable around us and Toula. I've already taken it to the vet twice for an exam and's a 5-6 year old declawed, neutered male and he is perfectly healthy. The vet said that either he got out of the house and then got lost or he was kicked out when his previous owners mean! He is just the sweetest little thing with the best personality. I would keep him (he gets along great with Toula) but Jacob is severely allergic. So, if anyone wants an indoor kitty who is really cute and sweet...I've got one who needs a good home.

1 comment:

jess said...

He's very sweet!! I would love him if my hubby would let me :)